Christmas service in Pälkäne

Christmas service in Pälkäne

This Christmas we have been to Pälkäne, a little municipality close to Tampere. There is a old church from the 15th century that lost the roof in a storm in the 19th century (as far as I remember from what I read) and now, since 15 years they started using it again for services. However, they plan to build a new (glass-) roof to it, so this year was the last time the service took place in this type.

Project presentation

Project presentation

🌱 Discover Tribiome: a pioneering European project that delves into the complexities of microbiomes in agriculture.

Soil microbiomes 🌿 play a crucial role in the transition towards more sustainable agriculture. By understanding and harnessing this microscopic world 🦠, we can find solutions to current challenges related to the environment, food security, and climate change. 🌾

📹 Watch the presentation video of Tribiome, initiated by Wagralim, the Agri-Food Innovation Cluster of Wallonia and its partners with the help of Studio Chamberlin and learn more about this groundbreaking project:

Wagralim, the Agri-Food Innovation Cluster of Wallonia | ITENE | Universidad de Burgos | ASAJA (Asociación Agraria-Jóvenes Agricultores) | ValGenetics | SIMAVI Software Imagination & Vision | Rete Semi Rurali ETS | Natural Resources Institute Finland / Luonnonvarakeskus | Particula Group | Grupo Fertiberia

The end of the long winter tunnel

The end of the long winter tunnel

It seems we finally reached the end of winter! Today we have almost 20 degrees, we can sit outside and have an afternoon Espresso. I managed to submit a grant application and now a few free days during Mayday are ahead, while the weather forecast promises plain, blue sky with 15 and more degrees. That is truly something I am looking forward to now! Certainly there are still small tasks here and there, but the main job will be to get the garden ready for summer, maybe even pitching the pool already 🙂

Introducing the Fluidigm R- Package

Introducing the Fluidigm R- Package

Our Fluidigm R-package was just released on Cran. The package is designed to streamline the process of analyzing genotyping data from Fluidigm machines. It offers a suite of tools for data handling and analysis, making it easier for researchers to work with their data. Here are the key functions provided by the package:

  1. fluidigm2PLINK(...): Converts Fluidigm data to the format used by PLINK, creating a ped/map-file pair from the CSV output received from the Fluidigm machine.
  2. estimateErrors(...): Estimates errors in the genotyping data.
  3. calculatePairwiseSimilarities(...): Calculates pairwise similarities between samples.
  4. getPairwiseSimilarityLoci(...): Determines pairwise similarity loci.
  5. similarityMatrix(...): Generates a similarity matrix.

Users can choose to run these functions individually or execute them all at once using the convenient fluidigmAnalysisWrapper(...) wrapper function.