Es hat schon eine gewisse Ironie, wenn Frauke Petry im Tagesspiegel sagt, dass ‘die Alternative für Deutschland für sie nicht alternativlos ist’. Wobei, vermutlich jeder vernünftig denkende Mensch sieht einige Alternativen zur AfD. Bleibt zu hoffen, dass dieser Haufen bald verschwunden ist!
During winter it always seems so unlikely, but eventually there are nicer days to come. And this is what happened today, spring time starting and we have 17 degrees! Here is the proof:

Okay, I have to admit that the thermometer was in the sun, but still! It’s the first time since couple of months (at least it feels like this) that it went over 10 degrees!
Yesterday our article ‘Subgroup detection in Genotype Data using Invariante Coordinate Selection’ appeared in BMC Bioinformatics. Thanks again also here to all co-authors. As BMC Bioinformatics is an open-access journal, you can find the article from here.

A few weeks ago I got my new working laptop from Lenovo and I have to say, whoever designed this keyboard layout, deserves a special place in hell:

Also a vegan version of this classical dish.
Print Recipe
Mushroom Stroganoff
Fry the onion brownish and deglaze with the veggie stock.
Add the mushrooms (halfed or quartered, depending on the size), the garlic and the pickle to it.
Fry for a while and add the cream/milk and the tomatoe puree.
Season with the thyme (carefully...) and the black pepper.