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Author: Daniel

A little piece of Normality

A little piece of Normality

Starting today the restaurants are again open in Finland. Of course, Corona is not over yet, there are still many people getting it and one still needs to be careful while being out, but still having a small breakfast out feels quite nice (although the lockdown was not even that long compared to other countries).

However, let’s hope the vaccines will start to have an effect and that severe infections or even deaths will vanish soon and we can start to live normal lifes again.

In that sense, have a nice start into the week!

Eating out after the lockdown
Buying from Lidl means buying air

Buying from Lidl means buying air

As emergency food a bought some time ago a ‘British Style Snackbox’… Today was the day of emergency where I was too lazy to cook, opened it and got straight away good mooded! All different snacks a packed in separate plastics, in bag sizes two/three times the size that would be needed. What the f*ck?! What for do those bags need to be that big, Lidl?!

‘Love is in the air’


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A very simple, but tasty way to get fresh Brötchen (rolls) in the morning. The dough is prepared in the evening and the dough raises during the night in the fridge. In the morning the rolls only need to be formed and put into the oven.

10-12 Brötchen


10-12 Brötchen


  1. Mix all ingredients into a large bowl, cover it with a towel and place it into the fridge for approx 12 hours (meaning, if you want to have fresh Brötchen in the morning, do the dough in the evening...).

  2. Form small, round shaped Brötchen (add some flour to your hands to avoid the dough to stuck on your hands...), place them on a baking tray and back them for 25 minutes at 230 degrees.

    Ideally, if you have a steam oven, add some (250ml) water to it, otherwise place a bowl with water into the oven.

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