So strange weather
This is really a strange time, no snow in winter and then during spring we have snow in the night/morning and 10+ degrees in the afternoon. So strange… However, lets hope for a better summer!
This is really a strange time, no snow in winter and then during spring we have snow in the night/morning and 10+ degrees in the afternoon. So strange… However, lets hope for a better summer!
I just noticed I haven’t written anything yet about my attendance at the Shared Workshop: “Foundation for the Future Agenda” in Hinxton, UK, during February. This was a workshop organized by EBI for the three H2020 projects GeneSwitch, BovReg and AquaFAANG.
As always, it was an excellent meeting in Hinxton, with lots of good interaction and talks. Also, a visit to the Red Lion is always a nice experience.
I just came back from a very interesting FAANG workshop in Prague, three days of talks about the functional annotation of animal genomes. Thanks a lot to the organizers!
More information about the even can be found here.
After the event we still had some time to discover the city.
Today I noticed for the first time the concept of submodules in git. While cloning a repository from GitHub I noticed that one folder in it remained empty. After having a closer look, I noticed a reference to another repository tree like this:
Here, the folder htslib is actually from a tree in a different repository. After I cloned the repository like this (I forked it before):
git clone
the folder htslib remained empty. That is because files from submodules are not fetched by default. This needs to be done separately by first initializing the submodules (first, cd into the cloned repository)
git submodule init
and then update the files from it
git submodule update
After these steps, the repository should be complete. However, instead of initializing the submodule separately, there is also a shortcut to fetch them all in one step by adding an additional parameter to the cloning like this:
git clone --recurse-submodules
More details to git submodules can be found here.
Today I wrote a bash script that creates a random subset of a paired-end FASTQ file pair. It requires the names of the two FASTQ-files as input and also the amount of reads that the sample should have.
The script is mainly based on this Blog post. This is a rather rough code and it could be more user-friendly and allow for more options, but in its current form, it does what I need it to do.
#!/bin/bash round() { printf "%.2f" "$1" } file1=$1 file2=$2 sample=$3 # Input test if ! [[ $sample =~ ^-?[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)?$ ]]; then >&2 echo "$sample is not a number"; exit 1; fi extension1="${file1##*.}" extension2="${file2##*.}" filename1="${file1%.*}" filename2="${file2%.*}" fn1=$filename1"_"$sample".fastq" fn2=$filename2"_"$sample".fastq" if [ $extension1 == "gz" ]; then gunzip $file1; file1=$filename1; filename1="${file1%.*}" fn1=$filename1"_"$sample".fastq" fi if [ $extension2 == "gz" ]; then gunzip $file2; file2=$filename2; filename2="${file2%.*}" fn2=$filename2"_"$sample".fastq" fi lines=$(wc -l < $file1) echo $lines echo $sample if (( $(awk 'BEGIN {print ("'$sample'" <= 1)}') )); then sample=$(awk 'BEGIN {printf("%.0f", "'$sample'" * "'$lines'")}') fi echo $sample paste $file1 $file1 | \ awk '{ printf("%s",$0); n++; if(n%4==0) { printf("\n");} else { printf("\t");} }' | \ awk -v k=$sample 'BEGIN{srand(systime() + PROCINFO["pid"]); }{ s=x++<k?x- 1:int(rand()*x); if(s<k)R[s]=$0}END{for(i in R)print R[i]}' | \ awk -F"\t" -v file1=$fn1 -v file2=$fn2 '{print $1"\n"$3"\n"$5"\n"$7 > file1;\ print $2"\n"$4"\n"$6"\n"$8 > file2}' if [ $extension1 == "gz" ]; then gzip $fn1; gzip $file1; fi if [ $extension2 == "gz" ]; then gzip $fn2; gzip $file2; fi