Full moon
This night we had an incredible full moon, no need for lights or anything else!
This night we had an incredible full moon, no need for lights or anything else!
Okay, we do not have yet a lot of snow, but still, the first white coverage has arrived here! It even seems, that there is some snow-work waiting in the yard.
It really looks like the autumn is here in Finland. The nights are around zero degrees (okay, so far, I did not need to scratch the windshield, but I saw others who had to.) and the leaves in the trees are turning yellowish. The nicest thing about this time of the year are clearly the colours, this morning on my way to the office I had a so beautiful sunrise that illuminated the buildings behind the fields in so great autumn colours. If the autumn stays like this, I do not mind!
This morning, while I was driving to the office, I realized once again how beautiful the late summer respective early spring is! It is such a nice thing to live in a country where you can enjoy the seasons …
In Tampere the public sauna is open this night so that people can go to sauna while waiting for the Lunar eclipse. And while we have here temperatures above 30 degrees, this is highly appreciated (at least the swimming, though, 30 does not feel too bad, if you leave from 115…)