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Category: Life

Spring is now finally here!

Spring is now finally here!

During winter it always seems so unlikely,  but eventually there are nicer days to come. And this is what happened today, spring time starting and we have 17 degrees! Here is the proof:

Okay, I have to admit that the thermometer was in the sun, but still! It’s the first time since couple of months (at least it feels like this) that it went over 10 degrees!

A lot has happened

A lot has happened

Somehow it happened again that I did not manage to add any updates to this page. Hopefully it will become better from now on – things should become from now on a bit more regular. I eventually defended my thesis two weeks ago and this means that I’ll have from now on ‘free’ on the weekends and during the evenings and -drums- I was planning to spend spend some of that time to update this page more frequently…

First jam of the year

First jam of the year

Yesterday we (okay, I haven’t done anything here, just writing about it…) got the first jam from the gooseberries in our garden. 2.7 kg of fruits and 1.5kg of sugar, not too sweet!